Generate QR Free

Generate QR

QR Code Generator & Link Shortener

🔗 QR Code & Link Shortener

Enter text or a URL to generate a custom QR code.

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📌 Upload QR Code to Decode:

Create a custom QR code in just a few clicks. Whether it’s for your business, website, contact details, or payments, our tool makes it easy and quick!

How to Use:
1️⃣ Enter the data or link you want to convert into a QR code.
2️⃣ Click ‘Generate’ and preview your QR code.
3️⃣ Download and share it instantly!

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Advantages of Using QR Codes:
✔ Quick and easy access to information
✔ Enhances user engagement and convenience
✔ Supports various formats like URLs, text, and contact details
✔ Boosts business marketing and branding
✔ Works seamlessly on all devices

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